So what are the modern sextants and telescopes that will guide us in these shallow waters? And what kind of captains will prevail in these stormy conditions?
Organizations must be more adaptive, innovative and flexible than ever. Reaction time to rapid market changes will decide how market shares are dealt and who will win the new market opportunities arising all the time. We are in "Epochenbruch" as the German chancellor said, a true change is going on in the world. Political world aside, this also has strong reflections to businesses all over the globe. Old systems, based on top down management practices, rigid structures and high focus on efficient processes will face arduos times. Trying to preserve what has been is certainly not a winning concept.
Shakespeare once coined the idiom "The World is my Oyster" which is more true now than ever. Luckily we don't need a sword to open that Oyster, but rather the influence of AI and great leadership. All process work that can be digitized and done with AI assisted systems will eventually disappear. Even the public sector will follow suite, sooner or later. Obviously, the major challenge is the leadership part, how to enable and nurture a culture of innovation and change. How to engage followers on all levels to embrace the change and seize the opportunity whereever it may arise.
Sales and leadership development begins always by looking at the organization through "lenses", including focus on at least but not limited to quality of the sales process, customer experience, measurables, leadership practices and flow of work. A project like this will give you good insights and boost performance alongside with the long term outcomes: creating sustainable competitive advantage through the excellence of people, not only processes.